Create Your Google Cloud Account

Learn how to set up your Google Cloud Platform account to deploy R code to production. Get $300 in free credits with this step-by-step guide.

Juan C. Rodriguez


November 13, 2024


Google Cloud Platform, R to production, GCP setup, R deployment, cloud free tier

Welcome to!

Welcome to the first blog post on! Our mission is to provide tips, tricks, and insights to help you transition your R code to production-grade infrastructure.

Before diving into the technical aspects of deploying R applications, the very first thing we need is an account on a production-grade infrastructure platform. In this post, we’ll guide you through creating a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account. GCP offers a robust and scalable environment perfect for hosting R applications, pipelines, and APIs. By following this tutorial, you’ll set up your account and gain access to $300 in free credits.

In addition to the free credits, GCP offers a range of free-tier services that you can use indefinitely under specified limits. You can find a complete list of free-tier services here.

Why Choose Google Cloud?

Google Cloud Platform is an excellent choice for deploying R projects due to its scalability, compatibility with R tools, and a wide range of services. While other cloud providers like AWS and Azure are equally viable, we focus on GCP because it’s what we’re most comfortable with. Other cloud service providers are as recommended as GCP, and most of the services and procedures remain similar.

We recommend creating a new account for each project. First, to keep projects encapsulated in their own account, making it easier to manage and organize resources. Second, because Google offers $300 in credits for every new account, providing a great opportunity to experiment with their services at no cost.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Google Cloud Account

This guide covers everything from signing up to completing the payment setup. Don’t worry—your payment method won’t be charged until your $300 free credits are either spent or expire in 90 days. Let’s get started!

  1. Visit

  2. Click the “Start Free” button.

Click 'Start free'.

  1. Click “Create account”, then choose “For work or my business” (or another option that suits your needs).

Click 'Create account' and then 'For work or my business'.

  1. Click “Get a Gmail address”.

Click 'Get a Gmail address'.

  1. Enter your First and Last names, and then click on “Next”.

Fill your first and last names.

  1. Fill in your birthdate and Gender, and click on “Next”.

Fill your birthdate and gender.

  1. Click “Get a Gmail address instead”.

Click 'Get a Gmail address instead'.

  1. Fill in your Username (we recommend a name related to the new project), and click “Next”.

Chose your username.

  1. Fill in your Password, and click “Next”.

Fill your password.

  1. Fill in your Phone number, and click “Next”. This step is safe; you won’t be charged anything to your phone number, and you can use your number for as many accounts as you need.

Fill your phone number.

  1. Enter the verification code you receive via SMS, and click “Next”.

Fill the phone number verification code.

  1. Add a Recovery email (we recommend using your most used email), and click “Next”.

Fill your recovery email.

  1. Fill in your Phone number again, and click “Next”.

Fill your phone number.

  1. If a screen pops up stating that your phone number is already in use for another account, click “Continue creating a new account”.

Click 'Continue creating a new account'.

  1. Just click “Skip”.

Click 'Skip'.

  1. Click “Next”.

Click 'Next'.

  1. Thoroughly read the terms and conditions, and click “I agree” (if you agree).

Click 'I agree' if you approve T&C.

  1. Click “Not Now”.

Click 'Not Now'.

  1. Fill in your business country, and click “Agree & continue” (if you agree with the terms).

Fill your business country and click 'Agree & continue' if you agree T&C.

  1. Click “Start free”.

Click 'Start free'.

  1. Fill in your payments profile. Here, we use the “Individual” profile type.

Fill your payments profile.

  1. Click “Start free”.

Click 'Start free'.

  1. Fill in your payment method details. Here, we’ve used a credit card.

Fill your payment method.

  1. Add your credit card information. It won’t be charged until your free credits expire, at which point you can decide whether to continue paying or disable non-free-tier services.

Fill your payment method details.

  1. Click “Start free”.

Click 'Start free'.

  1. Click “Done”.

Click 'Done'.

  1. That’s it! Your account is now ready to use, with free-tier services enabled, and you’ve got $300 in credits to use within the next 3 months.

All done!

Creating Your First Project (Optional)

While it’s perfectly fine to start with the default “My First Project” assigned by Google Cloud, creating a dedicated project for each of your R deployments helps you organize resources more effectively. It’s a simple process and a great habit to adopt.

  1. Click on “My First Project”.

Click 'My First Project'.

  1. Click “NEW PROJECT”.


  1. Enter the new “Project name”, and then click “CREATE”.

Fill the project name and click 'CREATE'.

  1. Wait a few moments for the new project to be created. Once the green checkmark appears, click “SELECT PROJECT” to start using your new project.

Click 'SELECT PROJECT' to use your new project.

# Authenticate gcloud with your created account.
$ gcloud auth login # This will open your browser. Log in with your GCP account credentials.
You are now logged in as [].

# Create a new Google Cloud project.
$ gcloud projects create everysinglecountry --name="Every Single Country"
Create in progress for [].
Waiting for [operations/cp.5754965963896291291] to finish...done.
Enabling service [] on project [everysinglecountry]...
Operation "operations/acat.p2-974569654945-863216b7-3654-42da-b2d5-f3eb61c369aa" finished successfully.

# Set the new project as the default project for gcloud.
$ gcloud config set project everysinglecountry
Updated property [core/project].

# Set a billing account for this project.
# List the billing accounts information.
$ gcloud billing accounts list

ACCOUNT_ID            NAME                OPEN  MASTER_ACCOUNT_ID
012345-678901-234567  My Billing Account  True

# Set the billing account.
$ gcloud billing projects link everysinglecountry --billing-account=012345-678901-234567
billingAccountName: billingAccounts/012345-678901-234567
billingEnabled: true
name: projects/everysinglecountry/billingInfo
projectId: everysinglecountry